Friday, May 4, 2012

ασυναρτησίες-part two- έναχρόνομετά

Σου λέει το μυαλό σου ήταν πάντα πιο μεγάλο -ηλικιακά- από την ημερολογιακή σου ηλικία -αυτό που λέμε πόσων χρονών είσαι? και απαντάς- και γι' αυτό όλα τα προηγούμενα χρόνια της ζωής σου τα έχεις ζήσει ουσιαστικά σαν παρατηρητής. Όχι από μέσα. Σαν να τα ζούσες αλλά και χωρίς να τα ζεις μαζί. Και λέω.. πόσο τυχαίος και ο τίτλος αυτού εδώ του μπλογκ?
Όταν ήμουν μικρή μ' άρεσε να κάθομαι πάνω στο καλοριφέρ, αυτό που είναι στο σαλόνι, κάτω από το παράθυρο και να χαζεύω απ' έξω. Να κοιτάω και να φτιάχνω ιστορίες, για τους απέναντι, για τους πιο δίπλα, για τον κόσμο που πέρναγε και να ζω μέσα από αυτές. Ακόμα μ' αρέσει να το κάνω. Να κάθομαι εκεί. Μόνο που τώρα έχουν μεγαλώσει τα δέντρα και δεν φαίνεται η λάμπα δίπλα στο παρκάκι που μια άναβε, μια έσβηνε. Και απέναντι χτίστηκε μια καινούργια πολυκατοικία, και πιο δίπλα άλλη. Και ο κόσμος που βλέπω από το παράθυρο, το ίδιο παράθυρο, το ίδιο καλοριφέρ, δεν είναι πια ο ίδιος κόσμος. Ούτε εγώ είμαι ίδια. Και βαρέθηκα να κοιτάω τον κόσμο να περνάει, βαρέθηκα να φτιάχνω ιστορίες για άλλους.
Είχα γνωρίσει μια φορά ένα παιδί που έφτιαχνε πολύ ωραίες ιστορίες. Σε κάποιες από αυτές έβαζε και μένα μέσα. Μια μέρα μου είχε πει ότι εγώ δεν "το ΄χω" να γράφω ιστορίες, και τότε είχα παρεξηγηθεί.
Μετά όμως σκέφτηκα πως αν δεν έχεις φτιαχτεί για να λες τις ιστορίες, ίσως να έχεις φτιαχτεί για να τις ζεις. Και χαμογέλασα.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ασυναρτησίες -ποστς ιν γκρικ παρτ ουάν-

το φεστιβάλ κόμικ ήρθε, έφαγε τις αντοχές μας κ έφυγε. επεράσαμε όμορφα εμείς-αλλά όχι κ η μέση μας. τέτοια ορθοστασία δεν την έχω ξαναματακάνει, τέτοια κούραση είχα καιρό να νιώσω, κάνε αντ σε αυτό τις ημέρες σταδιοδρομίας του πανεπιστημίου (όπου μέρες σταδιοδρομίας βάλε να φτάνεις 8:05 το πρωί ενώ οι εγγραφές αρχίζουν 8:00 να παίρνεις αριθμό προτεραιότητας λαχταριστό 81 κ να περνάς τις επόμενες 9 ώρες κολλημένη σε απαίσια άβολη θέση περιμένοντας την ώρα που θα φωνάξουν το ονομά σου να μπεις για την 1η συνέντευξη ενώ άλλοι έχουν κάνει ήδη 5 τελείακλείνειηπαρένθεση). αποτέλεσμα μάτια κομμάτια με μαύρους κύκλους παρεούλα, μόνιμο αίσθημα κόπωσης-νύστας, νεύρα, χαμένες ώρες, τσάμπα κόπος, τι ωραία που περνάμε.
κ μέσα σ' όλα με έχει πιάσει η άνοιξη κ παρόλη την κούραση γούσταρα στο κομικντομ, είδα κόσμο, γνώρισα κόσμο (την πλειοψηφία του οποίου δεν θα ξαναδώ ποτέ-δε στόρυ οφ μαι λάιφ λέμε), μίλησα με κόσμο, ξεκουνήθηκα λίγο από τη χειμερία νάρκη μου κ θέλω κ άλλο κ άλλο κ άλλο.
κ από την άλλη με την ταλαιπωρία της ανύπαρκτης καριέρας από τη δευτέρα, μαυρίζει η ψυχή μου κ σκέφτομαι ουάνς αγκέν τι γκαντεμιά είναι αυτή που μας δέρνει ως γενιά, τι μ@λάκας ήμουν που δεν τελείωσα τη σχολή μου κ τα μεταπτυχιακά μου κ όλα στην ώρα τους κ ίσως τώρα να ήμουν κάπου καλύτερα από το πουθενά, 6 μήνες σχεδόν στην αναζήτηση, οβερκουαλιφάιντ-άντερκουαλιφάιντ-μακάρι να ξερα τι ψάχναν όλοι αυτοί που βάζουν αγγελίες να τους το δώσω να δω μια άσπρη μέρα κ μαζί της κανά 50ευρώ.
κ από την 3η διάσταση νιώθω πως έχω ξεχάσει να σκέφτομαι. θέλω να αρχίσω να σκέφτομαι πάλι. θέλω κάποιος να μπορέσει να με βάλει σε τριπάκια κ να αμφισβητώ κ να ψάχνω κ να βρίσκω ερωτήσεις κ συμβαίνει τόσο μα τόσο σπάνια αυτό.
έστω να βρω μια δουλειά σε ένα καφέ, ανοίγει ο καιρός θα 'ναι ωραία, έμαθα κ στην ορθοστασία 3 μέρες, να με βλέπει λίγο ο ήλιος, να φωτοσυνθέτω, να χαίρομαι, να χαμογελάω (πιο πολύ, πιο πολύ, πιο πολύ, ποτέ δεν είναι αρκετό ακούς;), να ανατριχιάζω κ να έχω ανθρώπους να αγαπάω, να με αγαπάνε, να αγκαλιάζω, να κοιτάω στα μάτια κ να συννενοούμαστε.
πρέπει να ξημερώσει πάλι!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Comic Weekend!

The Comicdom Con Festival takes place in Athens this weekend (Friday as well!).
Lots of exhibitions and workshops are planned, guest artists will be there to sign their books and talk with the fans, there will be special events for kids, a first-time cosplay contest and furthermore a bazaar full with comic books and comic-related items!
You can find more info here together with the location, full everyday program etc.
 I'm volunteering this year so I guess I'll be spending quite some time there, will you come join us?

On another note, getting inspired by the upcoming festival, I decided I'm gonna post my all-time Top 5 favorite comic book characters! I left out any Disney characters on purpose since this list would be endless if I didn't. So here it goes:
1. Mafalda
    Mafalda is a comic strip written and drawn by Argentine cartoonist Joaquín Salvador Lavado, better known by his pen name Quino. The strip ran from 1964 to 1973 and was very popular in Latin America, Europe, Quebec, and in Asia, leading to two animated cartoon series and a movie. The main character Mafalda is an Argentine girl, approximately six years old, with a great concern for the state of humanity and a proverbial hatred for soup. She often leaves her parents at a loss by asking about mature or complex topics. As an example, she gets chided to concern herself with child-like things instead of asking about China's communism; in response, she pretends to play with bubbles in soapy water only to promptly proclaim that she is done and then restate the China question once more. Her incisive observations often leave the adults at a loss. Mafalda is generally a pessimist to the point of being accused of being so by her friends; to this she responds that things are not so bad as to stop discussing them. (Source: Wikipedia)

    2. Linus van Pelt

    Linus van Pelt is a character in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. The best friend of Charlie Brown, Linus is also the younger brother of Lucy van Pelt and older brother of Rerun van Pelt. He first appeared on September 19, 1952; however, he was not mentioned by name until three days later. He was first referenced two months earlier, on July 14. Linus spoke his first words in 1954, the same year he was shown with his security blanket. On the various specials, Christopher Shea first voiced Linus van Pelt in 1965. His younger brother, Stephen, voiced Linus from 1971 until 1975. Various actors (among them Jeremy Miller of Growing Pains fame) have played Linus since then. (Source: Wikipedia)

    3. Little Lulu

    Little Lulu is a comic strip character created by Marjorie Henderson Buell, who debuted in The Saturday Evening Post on February 23, 1935 in a single panel, appearing as a flower girl at a wedding and strewing the aisle with banana peels. Little Lulu replaced Carl Anderson's Henry, which had been picked up for distribution by King Features Syndicate. The Little Lulu panel continued to run weekly in The Saturday Evening Post until December 30, 1944.
    Little Lulu was created as a result of Anderson's success. Schlesinger Library curator Kathryn Allamong Jacob wrote, "Lulu was born in 1935, when The Saturday Evening Post asked Buell to create a successor to the magazine’s Henry, Carl Anderson’s stout, mute little boy, who was moving on to national syndication. The result was Little Lulu, the resourceful, equally silent (at first) little girl whose loopy curls were reminiscent of the artist’s own as a girl. Buell explained to a reporter, 'I wanted a girl because a girl could get away with more fresh stunts that in a small boy would seem boorish.
    A daily comic strip, entitled Little Lulu, was syndicated from June 5, 1950 through May 1969. Artists included Woody Kimbrell (1950–1964), Roger Armstrong (1964–1966), and Ed Nofziger (1966–1969). (Source: Wikipedia)

    4. Calvin

    Calvin and Hobbes is a syndicated daily comic strip that was written and illustrated by American cartoonist Bill Watterson, and syndicated from November 18, 1985, to December 31, 1995. It follows the humorous antics of Calvin, a precocious and adventurous six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his sardonic stuffed tiger. The pair are named after John Calvin, a 16th-century French Reformation theologian, and Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century English political philosopher. At the height of its popularity, Calvin and Hobbes was featured in over 2,400 newspapers worldwide; as of January 2010, reruns of the strip still appear in more than 50 countries. Nearly 45 million copies of the 18 Calvin and Hobbes books have been sold.
    Calvin, is an impulsive, creative, imaginative, energetic, curious, intelligent, hypocritical, selfish, rude, and ill-tempered six-year-old, whose last name is never mentioned in the strip. Despite his poor grades in school, Calvin demonstrates his intelligence through his sophisticated vocabulary and a philosophical mind. He commonly wears his distinctive red-and-black striped shirt, black pants, and white-and-magenta sneakers.He also wears a jacket when going to school or when playing in the snow.
    Calvin also has a sensitive side as well. This is displayed, for example, when he finds a dying raccoon and tries to save it but fails. He is then shown crying. The scene is made even more poignant by Calvin asking Hobbes not to "go anywhere", and Hobbes solemnly promising he wouldn't. (Source: Wikipedia)

    5. Archie 

    This is more like a favorite comic series of mine rather than a specific character, but I couldn't leave it out!

    Archie Comics is an American comic book publisher headquartered in the Village of Mamaroneck, Town of Mamaroneck, New York,  known for its many series featuring the fictional teenagers Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Reggie Mantle and Jughead Jones. The characters were created by publisher/editor John L. Goldwater, written by Vic Bloom and drawn by Bob Montana. They were based in part on people met by Goldwater "in the Midwest" during his travels throughout the United States while looking for jobs and places to stay.
    Archie's first appearance in Pep Comics #22 on December 22, 1941, was drawn by Montana and written by Vic Bloom. With the creation of Archie, publisher Goldwater hoped to appeal to fans of the Andy Hardy movies starring Mickey Rooney. Archie Comics is also the title of the company's longest-running publication, the first issue appearing with a cover date of Winter 1942. Starting with issue #114, the title was shortened to simply Archie. (Source: Wikipedia)

    So, what would your top 5 be? :)

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Never seen a book like that!
    A while ago, I found this great etsy shop called Pretty Theory. Now I don't know if I would be willing to "sacrifice" a book to make it into a purse, but these guys have done an amazing job! Check out for yourselves:

    Aren't they lovely??
    You can also find pretty theory on facebook here.